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..from England to Samoa

Welcome to Our Site!

Talofa lava, Kia Ora, Bula Vinaka and Greetings!

Our long-awaited moment has finally arrived, as promised.

Welcome to The ASPINALLS, the Family's first official genealogy website. An exciting time for all the Aspinalls of Samoa around the world.

We're glad you stopped by. And it is our hope that you will find what you are looking for.

We have been researching this family name for countless years through library archives and family elders (others have passed on), but now that the internet is exploding with genealogy searches, it opens up many more possibilities.

Our Aspinall family dates as far back as the early 1700s in Liverpool, Lancashire, England. And we are fortunate to find many English deeds, birth records, death records, and marriage records.

Our page is still regularly updated with more information from the most available public sources out there as well as from our Aspinall family from around the world. This is the beginning of our Aspinall informational era and beyond. You won't have to look elsewhere for it, nor will it remain hidden from you. It's right here at your fingertips.

Finding our ancestors is what we all do as one big family, isn't it? Take a look at all the fascinating information we have gathered here.

And one more thing, we hope you like the look and feel of our website as much as we do – clean & simple, just what we needed!

Enjoy browsing!

Robert Aspinall and
The Tribal Research Team⁣ Dael Raneberg (Mabel), Timothy Aspinall (Robert) and Maxine Macdonald (Richard, Jr., Fiji)

Our Mission

e're always trying to find new and creative ways to add to our Aspinall Family Tree as we search for our ancestors.

Our goal is to accurately document all sources of information and collect new information that we've never heard before. We hope that everyone can help each other out by contributing to our family history. This can be done by spending time doing research, gathering information from other family members, and correcting any mistakes in our family tree.

Let's work together to learn and grow as we try to understand who we are and where we come from.

If you have any media information like photos or albums of your family that you'd like to add, please feel free to share them here with us. And if you have any new information or corrections to make to our family tree, don't hesitate to reach out to your assigned Tribal Historian/Researcher, even if you don't have full access to the website.

...Calling From The Past

Our ancestors were amazing! And we're so proud of everything they have accomplished for us despite their challenges.

We're super grateful to our mothers and fathers for all the sacrifices they have made to keep us together as a family. They always knew exactly what we needed, and we loved and respected them so much for that.

Our family history is built on our ancestors' love and pride for us. We love telling stories about our ancestors and sharing their legacy with the world. It's not just about knowing the facts, it's about bringing the past to life and showing how much we care about them.

If you haven't already, please take a trip to visit your ancestors' graves. It's a great way to remember their love and sacrifice and to thank our Creator for all the blessings in their lives.

To that, we are blessed with this incredible family (like any other family) - the ASPINALL. And our ancestors would be super proud of us today.

So remember who you are and your roots, so that our family Legacy is stronger for all generations to come.

Be blessed,

Robert B Aspinall

Coming Soon!!!

Richard P. Aspinall, Sr.

Link to Richard, Sr story coming soon!

Mabel Ritchie (nee Aspinall)

Link to Mabel's story coming soon!

Robert P Aspinall

Link to Robert's story coming soon!

Richard P. Aspinall, Jr.

Link to Richard, Jr's story coming soon!

Coming Soon!!!

Robert P Aspinall Family

Mabel Richie Family

Richard P. Aspinall, Jr Family

Family Random Photos

About Us

The Aspinall Genealogy Group is a team of volunteers from different branches of the family (Mabel, Robert, and Richard Jr.) who are passionate about finding and preserving our family history.

The main goal of this website is to put together the missing pieces of Richard Sr. and Sifaga's family tree, and more.

We invest our own time, money, and efforts into researching our family's history, along with the help of others.

Recounting generations is a long process that will take years, so please stick with us!

Welcome to the Aspinall Genealogy!

Webmaster Message

We make every effort to document our research. If you have something you would like to add, please contact us.